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Why are Lab-grown diamonds called eco-friendly diamonds?

04 Sep 2024
Why are Lab-grown diamonds called eco-friendly diamonds?

Lab-made diamonds, often called eco-friendly or sustainable diamonds, have really taken off. These lab grown diamonds are not just easier on your wallet but also kinder to our planet compared to natural diamonds. So what's the deal with calling them eco-friendly or green lab diamonds? Let's look at why mined diamonds cause a fuss for the environment and how grown-in-a-lab diamonds skip those issues.

Digging up natural real diamonds from the earth is tough on our planet. Pulling out all that dirt to get natural diamonds messes up animal homes, mucks up the ground, and even knock down forests. Here's a shocker: to get just one tiny diamond carat of a natural diamond, a whopping 250 tons of Earth have to move. Plus, the stuff miners use to get diamonds can pollute the water, which is terrible for plants, animals, and people living nearby.
Diamond digging hurts the environment by adding to the carbon footprint. The big machines and trucks they use in places like Russia, Canada, and Africa's diamond areas release gases that are bad for the climate.

Also Read:- What are lab grown diamonds, know everything about in detail?

Diamond Mining's Ethical Problems

Diamond digging has more issues than just hurting the environment. We call diamonds from war zones "blood diamonds" because selling them helps pay for fights against governments. This kind of diamond trade has caused violence and terrible acts against people in African countries like Sierra Leone, Angola, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Even where there's no war, people might not treat diamond miners right. Some workers get low pay, have bad jobs, or they're kids who should not be working. There's a plan called the Kimberley Process to stop "blood diamonds," but not everyone thinks it works well to ensure conflict free diamonds.

Lab-Made Diamonds: An Earth-Friendly Option

Lab grown diamonds, sometimes called man-made or cultured diamonds, provide an Earth-friendly choice compared to traditional diamonds dug from the ground. Workers in labs that are invested in lab grown diamond manufacture in India, create these pure lab diamonds using high-tech methods that copy how diamonds develop. They use two main ways to make these green lab diamonds: putting them under a lot of heat and pressure (HPHT diamonds), or using gases to build them up layer by layer (CVD diamonds).

Putting Diamonds Under Heat and Pressure: This HPHT technique copies how natural diamonds come to be deep in the Earth's coat. People heat carbon and squeeze it a lot until it turns into a diamond.

Building Diamonds with Gas: With CVD diamonds, they start with a gas that has a lot of carbon and zap it in a space without air. This makes carbon bits stick to a surface and pile up to form a diamond.

Also Read:- 7 Myths About Lab Grown Diamonds

Earth-Friendly Points of Lab-Made Diamonds

1. Less Earth Damage: Making lab grown diamonds is good for the environment because it doesn't ruin the land like mining for natural diamonds. Making what is natural diamond needs taking lots of soil out of the ground, but labs make diamonds without harming nature.

2. Smaller Carbon Footprint:Lab grown diamonds leave a much smaller carbon footprint. Making diamonds in labs uses energy, but it's not as much as digging them up. Also, more labs making diamonds are using renewable energy now to be even better for nature.

3. Saves Water:It takes a lot less water to mine diamonds from the earth. Water is very important, and we need to save it. Lab grown diamonds help save water that mining for real diamonds would use.

4. Respects Human rights: Lab-grown diamonds come without conflict. Factories with strict ethical rules make these ethical diamonds. Buyers know they're not causing harm or violating people's rights with conflict free diamonds. People making lab diamonds live in places with tough job laws. They get good pay and work conditions. This is not like some diamond mines where bosses mistreat workers.

When you buy a lab diamond, you know its diamond origin. It's easy to see that your diamond matches your good values and care for the Earth.

Monetary and Social related:

1. Cost:Lab diamonds cost less compared to mined diamonds, making them affordable diamonds. This lets more people buy diamonds online, spreading luxury and letting more enjoy the shine and high status diamonds bring, whether fancy colour diamonds like yellow diamonds, blue diamonds, pink diamonds or classic white.

2. Pushing New Ideas:The rise of the lab grown diamond business helps new tech and high-tech manufacturing fields. It doesn't just give people jobs; it also helps new discoveries in material study and building things.

3. Lowering Need for Bad Acts:When people want more lab-grown diamonds, it pushes the old diamond digging business to do better in caring for the earth and being fair. This change can make mining cleaner and improve how miners live and work.

Eco-friendly lab diamonds offer a strong option compared to mined ones. They make less of an environmental dent, save important stuff, and don't have the moral issues tied to getting diamonds out of the earth. As folks get smarter and the tech gets better, more people will pick these shiny good-for-the-planet diamonds.

People who pick these man-made gems get to hold onto pretty tough diamonds with the same diamond quality, diamond cut, diamond colour, diamond clarity, diamond carat weight and 4Cs of diamonds as mined ones. Whether lab grown diamonds in India or anywhere else in the globe, they come with GIA certification, IGI certification and full diamond grading. And they're also doing right by the planet and playing fair in the bling game. These green lab diamonds are a big thumbs up for taking care of fancy things in a kind and smart way.

Also Read:- Lab-Grown Diamonds Vs Natural Diamonds Everything You Need To Know

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